
August 25, 20190

As per requests from our knowledge database users, TeQnovation have uploaded some new documents in different sections:

  • Avantis – 22.Ref1-How to work with Avantis PRO version 6.0_V1.0
  • Avantis – 22.Ref2-Avantis Condition Manager version 3.1_V1.0
  • Citect – 23.Ref1-Citect License Issue_V1.0
  • PACTWare – 16.Ref4-Working with PACTware_Basics_V1.0
  • PACTWare – 16.Ref5-Working with PACTware – MTL4850 Multiplexer_V1.0

We would like to thank our user community for the support and feel free to contact us in case there are any clarifications on the new uploaded documents.

May 13, 20190

TeQnovation uploaded several new documents in our knowledge database. The following list summarizes the new documents:

  • 10.Ref13-Backup and Restore Hard Drive-Acronis2017_V1.0
  • 16.Ref2-Installation PACTWare_4.1_SP5_V1.1
  • 16.Ref3- Extended Frame Service v2.5 Installation_V1.0
  • 17.Ref2-Wincc OA 3.16 P2 Installation Procedure_V1.0
  • 17.Ref3-Wincc OA-Project_Backup_V1.0
  • 17.Ref4-Wincc OA-Project_Restore_V1.0
  • 19.Ref2-Split Excel File in Multiple CSV based on linenumber_V1.0
  • 20.Ref33-67964 Some Insight tags not populating when searched for
  • 21.Ref1-Preventive Maintenance Support WW SP Method Statement_V1.0
March 2, 20190

TeQnovation couldn’t anticipate on the great success our knowledge database had till date. We would like to thank all our users from the Knowledge database by heart! Thanks to this great success, we decided to offer our current users one year free subscription upon renewal as this community is a vast growing cloud of expertise and lot of information is shared with us and resurrected via our knowledge database. As this success seems to continue, we will offer new subscribers that subscribes during the month of March 2019, a free subscription for 2 months, with unlimited downloads from our knowledge database… so be in a hurry to subscribe.

Furthermore, several new sections have been added to our knowledge database based on the requests from our community. One of the new sections is the most common issues that TeQnovation has faced in delivering Wonderware projects and how it was resolved based on the Wonderware Technotes. TeQnovation decided to share these technotes of the most common issues solved. Of course, as these technotes are coming from the Wonderware vendor, TeQnovation advise to contact always the technical support from Wonderware. Our technotes section is just a summary of technotes that helped us to solve issues at customer bases and is solely based on our expertise.

Happy browsing and looking forward to approve all new subscriptions.

February 17, 20190

TeQnovation got recently multiple support requests based on our knowledge database in place. There was a need to find a solution to respond fast and efficient on queries related to the solutions we provide, including queries from customers, partners and knowledge database users.

To ease the support requests and to provide better response times, LiveChat is now live on our website.

Feel free to contact us regarding any queries of the products and services we deliver to the market via this channel. Our other channels like e-mail, contact form, mobile phone, etc. will remain live also for any queries.

Last but not least, we want to thank our site visitors for the interest in TeQnovation and we are looking forward live up to our site visitors expectations.

February 2, 20190

TeQnovation uploaded several new documents in our knowledge database. The following list summarizes the new documents:

  • 00.Ref3-Installing Windows Server 2008 Standard R2_V1.0
  • 01.Ref4-Windows Prerequisites for Windows 2012 R2 64-bit_V1.1
  • 01.Ref4-Windows Prerequisites for Windows 2012 R2 64-bit_V1.2
  • TeQ_07.Ref23-Frequent Questions-Disable the related Windows User Profile Service_V1.0
  • TeQ_07.Ref24-Frequent Questions-InTouch Windows Frame Issues_V1.0
  • 10.Ref6-Wonderware_Historian_Database_History Blocks Backup_V1.0
  • 10.Ref7-Wonderware_Historian_Database_Export_Tool_V1.0
  • 10.Ref8-Alarm_DB_Recovery_V1.0
  • 10.Ref9-Galaxy_Recovery_V1.0
  • 10.Ref10-Updating_and_Restoring_Historian Runtime Database_V1.0
  • 10.Ref11-WIS_Recovery_V1.0
  • 10.Ref12-Wonderware_Historian_Database_Import_Tool_V1.0
  • 16.Ref1-Integration of Hart Instrument to PACTware_V1.0
  • 16.Ref2-Installation PACTWare_4.1_SP5_V1.0