Did you ever try to use a standard Remote Desktop Protocol connection within your Wonderware ArchestrA Supervisory Client for operating a plant, a tunnel or a BMS system? You will know it is useless because it is not really integratable. It is complicated and yet, it is not safe, the operator can use the remote machine to play games or write his email.
The Good News: TeQnovation, your Wonderware specialist, now developed the solution for you: TeQRDP, the integrated Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) solution for Wonderware ArchestrA HMIs. TeQRDP allows for one single Log On, you can make it fill a screen or minimize to a small icon, it will pop up when required and it shows you the application you need, no way to Windows through the back door.
In response to increasingly complex cyber threats, authorities and OT implementation rules with tighter cyber-security rules and regulations are required. These rules demand all access to external software, popups, settings, etc. to be blocked on operator screens and workstations.
The most secure solution would be to deploy a remote desktop solution next to the SCADA system. But, this solution would result in a more complex operation of your Wonderware ArchestrA Console because the remote desktops are normally opened via exe-commands on the local operator stations or a separate PC resulting in more confusion and loss of focus on both systems. still, it is not secure with all remote desktops centralized and made available via a “spare” desktop which is again exposing a security risk in case all features are still available there.
TeQRDP is a Wonderware Client Control object to implement a direct connection via your Wonderware SCADA system to your remote desktops without a need to fill in a login and password after configuration. Thus, the SCADA system is fully capable of accessing the remote desktops through its framework without the need for accessing the Windows system.
This is the essential advantage because it enables the operator to use the system as before with a single sign-on policy being maintained. He doesn’t need to log-in each time before being able to acknowledge an alarm or change a setpoint, which would not be acceptable to the operators and will slow down operator actions.
Because of its nature, TeQRDP is integrated with your operator environment. You can use it as a separate screen or a minimized version. It comes up with alarms and events and pops up when required. It could show you another SCADA or DCS system, the access control of a building or a remote location, you can integrate into your operations philosophy as you need. TeQRDP provides you an integrated, secure, always available extension of your SCADA application.
Wonderware System Platform | Operating System | Minimum Requirement |
Wonderware Application Server 2014 R2 SP1 4.1 | Windows Server 2012 R2 | Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 |
Wonderware Application Server 2017 Update 3 SP1 17.3.100 | Windows Server 2012 R2 | Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 |
As operating system environments, Wonderware Software’s and .Net Frameworks are changing frequently, TeQnovation will continue updating the Software Compatibility Matrix when testing is completed and verified for release. Priority support can be given in case another operating system, Wonderware Software’s and .Net Frameworks needs to be included on request.
Import the TeQRDP in Wonderware ArchestrA IDE via the standard procedures from Wonderware System Platform and ArchestrA. The below video shows you the initial steps to import the .Net Control into your Wonderware ArchestrA environment and how to create a symbol and embed the object and set properties of the embedded object. To learn how to use it in an InTouch application, you can download TeQRDP with the manual from the next section.
You can enter your name and email in the below form then we will send the download with 30 days trial to your email. Feel free to contact us for further information on the functionality and full version release.